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Trusted Advisors

shared networks

KUDU Search find, attract and engage key finance professionals for Owner Managed Businesses in Yorkshire.
We work with experienced Finance Directors and CFOs as well as aspiring FDs of the future.

Information for advisors.

We’re always keen to understand your role as a Trusted Advisor because it is of interest to our candidates and our clients.

Hopefully our experience can save your clients a lot of time, effort, and money. There’s more to recruitment than sending CVs and quite often the most obvious solution isn’t the best / most valuable.

As Trusted Advisors we spend a lot of time developing relationships with our clients. Having a wide and trusted network of our own allows us to interact with clients in a broader capacity, learn more about their business, add more value and strengthen the bond between them and us.

KUDU aren’t bankers, lawyers, accountants, corporate financiers, insurers, or tax specialists but we know plenty who are and would happily recommend those that we trust to our own contacts. Hopefully, instead of firing isolated CVs, or making random candidate suggestions to their clients they would introduce us too!

We spend most of our week talking to Finance Directors. Many of those conversations are confidential but to develop their own careers those FDs need to be expanding their advisory networks too so whenever relevant we work hard to introduce them to our network.

If we don’t already know each other or if we’re overdue a catch-up then please make contact.

Let's talk or meet up.

We're probably trying to speak to the same people. Let's see how we can help each other with that!

Have a client needing to recruit?

Immediate requirements or succession planning for the long-term

Completed Assignments

Shaping YORKSHIRE Business


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